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by Staenis | 13/02/2018

Long wait for someone to come and lay your screed? Why not try it yourself! The West Flemish start-up Staenis is launching a 'screed grid' and promises professional quality tailored to DIY-ers. The Livios construction site spoke with developers Tom Verstaen and Daisy Bohyn. “With our system you can save a lot of money.”

How does the screed grid work exactly? “You place one row of synthetic grids, set them to the correct height, fill them with screed and then pull the screed flat on the top of the grid. The grid remains permanently in place and ensures a flat and crack-free screed. You don't have any expansion joints any more," says Tom Verstaen, who was national Tile Setter Champion in 2017.

Screeding for DIY-ers

“The big advantage is that everyone can now install screed themselves,” says Daisy Bohyn, interior architect and product developer. “Until now, DIY-ers did not dare to do it because it is difficult to get the screed perfectly flat. This is no longer a problem with the Staenis grid. Because the grid is divided into boxes of 0.25 m², the screed remains perfectly flat during installation and drying. You can also combine the system with underfloor heating.”

… and professionals

“For professionals it is an advantage that they get a handy tool. This makes it easier for screed companies to deploy fewer experienced employees for installation. The Staenis grid helps them deliver quality.”

Save money

“For small areas in particular, such as a kitchen or bathroom, it is expensive to have a professional screeding tradesman do it for you. For private individuals, the target price is on average 16.50 euros per square metre. So you can save a lot of money,” says Daisy.

… but also time

There are only about 350 screeding companies in Flanders. Waiting times are therefore likely to increase. “With the Staenis grid, laying screed is just as fast as the traditional way. We still want to design tools that make it even faster. But that's for the future," concludes Daisy.

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